Local Elections Manifesto 2021
Runnymede Borough Council | Surrey County Council | |
EnvironmentAddress the climate emergency Push Runnymede Borough Council to produce a climate strategy that will deliver carbon neutrality by 2030. Improve the rate of recycling in the borough We will continue to push for a more comprehensive recycling service, including the recycling of juice cartons in blue bins. Address and crack down on fly-tipping Runnymede suffers from high rates of fly-tipping. We believe reducing the charges at Recycling Centres, opening tips 7 days a week and changes to licencing rules for commercial vehicles would help to alleviate some of the fly-tipping problems. Manage air quality We are on the doorstep of Heathrow and have one of the busiest stretches of the M25 running through the borough. Measures including banning of car idling at level crossings and outside school pick up areas need to be looked at, as well as introducing mitigtators such as hedges and shrubs which can help capture harmful particulates from the air. Borough PlanningIncrease enforcement Due to resource issues across the borough, there is limited enforcement that can be carried out when planning laws are broken. This needs to be addressed to restore the resident's faith in the local planning process and secure justice when the rules are broken. Infrastructure first Runnymede is facing significant development over the next few years. But we believe that before development can happen local infrastructure needs to be approved and in place. This includes roads, public transport, GP surgeries and schools. Green Belt We are fortunate to have so many green and open spaces in our borough, but this means that when developers look to build they often target green space. We believe that use of Green Belt should be a last resort and we are committed to standing up for its' maintenance and challenging any plans for erosion. | EnvironmentAccelerate Surrey's Climate Change Strategy Work to achieve carbon neutrality across all Surrey County Council facilities and operations by 2030 (currently taregted for 2050). HighwaysCommunity-led investment in road safety The Liberal Democrat Group at Surrey were successful in securing an increase in the 2021/22 budget for road safety. This will allow such things as new pedestrian crossings and 20mph speed limits near schools and town centres, which have previously been rejected due to a lack of funds. Fire SafetyReverse the cuts to the Fire and Rescue Service This would include both returning to 6 person crews and re-instating night cover at Egham Fire Station. EducationInvest in Special Educational Needs provision Due to a historic lack of provision within local communities, children requiring SEND services have had to travel long distances, at avoidable cost. We would bring that service closer to home. Waste and recyclingOpen recycling centres (tips) 7 days a week The part time closure of some tips, including Lyne, and the charging of residents to dispose of their DIY waste has worsened the blight of fly tipping. Waste is a fact of life and turning it into a revenue stream has caused avoidable problems. We want to open tips 7 days a week and remove the DIY waste charges. | |
EngagementCommunication We will regularly communicate with local residents using newsletters and email to provide updates of Runnymede Borough Council issues and developments. Visibility We will be accessible to all residents providing monthly Surgeries so that there is a two-way dialogue about problems and issues. We will also respond to all emails. Partnerships We will work constructively with all the borough and county stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes for both the existing and new residents. |