Commenting on the launch of an online map to tell homeowners about flooding risks in England and Wales, Norman Baker MP, Liberal Democrat Shadow Environment Secretary, said:
Commenting on the launch of an online map to tell homeowners about flooding risks in England and Wales, Norman Baker MP, Liberal Democrat Shadow Environment Secretary, said:
Liberal Democrat Leader Charles Kennedy today launched the Liberal Democrat Pre-manifesto - the first important stage in the manifesto process, which will take the Party into the General Election.
Under new Liberal Democrat proposals police chiefs would sign contracts with local communities setting out how many officers they would deploy. The "minimum policing guarantees" would set funding levels for local police for a rolling three-year period. The guarantees are part of the party's new plans to tackle crime. The plans include using money earmarked for the government's ID card plan to hire an extra 10,000 front line police and 20,000 community support officers.
When the use of Wells House, Epsom for children's respite care ended in December 2006, parents were told that a replacement facility would be provided in Banstead by September 2007. This has not yet happened, and when Cllr Colin Taylor (Lib Dem) asked the Executive Member for an update it was revealed that the new unit is now expected to open two years late in September 2009.
Closely behind the disastrous inspection of its Children's Services, the County Council has now received criticism of its adult social services from CSCI (Commission for Social Care Inspection). As a result, the Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council are demanding improvements.
Following the damning Ofsted inspection of Surrey County Council's Children & Families' service in July, the government stepped in to safeguard vulnerable children who have been put at risk.
Lib Dem Leader Nick Clegg has issued the following message.
The Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council have called for the Conservative administration to get a grip on its finances, after revealing it has £58 million of unspent capital in its coffers from the 2007/08 financial year.
South East MEP Sharon Bowles (Lib Dem) was disappointed by the news that after holding its previous two plenary sessions in Brussels, due to the collapse of the ceiling of the chamber in Strasbourg, the European Parliament would be returning to its regular seat for its October session.