Commenting on the launch of an online map to tell homeowners about flooding risks in England and Wales, Norman Baker MP, Liberal Democrat Shadow Environment Secretary, said:
Commenting on the launch of an online map to tell homeowners about flooding risks in England and Wales, Norman Baker MP, Liberal Democrat Shadow Environment Secretary, said:
Liberal Democrat Leader Charles Kennedy today launched the Liberal Democrat Pre-manifesto - the first important stage in the manifesto process, which will take the Party into the General Election.
Under new Liberal Democrat proposals police chiefs would sign contracts with local communities setting out how many officers they would deploy. The "minimum policing guarantees" would set funding levels for local police for a rolling three-year period. The guarantees are part of the party's new plans to tackle crime. The plans include using money earmarked for the government's ID card plan to hire an extra 10,000 front line police and 20,000 community support officers.
At a recent County Council meeting, the Conservative majority on the County opposed the proposal by the Liberal Democrats that Surrey County Council youth centres should be more fully used to provide safe places for young people to meet.
Bus services in Surrey are so poor under the current Tory administration at Surrey County Council, that last year 2 out of every 3 residents were unhappy with the their record, according to a recent survey.
Attempts by Surrey Tories to undermine the defence of the Green Belt have been blocked, in part by some of their own party who voted with Lib Dems and Environmentalists to strengthen opposition to Green Belt development in the South East Region.
Liberal Democrat Councillors on Surrey County Council have criticised the Conservative administration for seeking to put all the blame for a potentially high Council Tax for next year on the government, without recognising that it has had opportunities over many years to review how the budget is spent.
Liberal Democrats criticised the Conservative administration's policy on waste in Surrey at a recent County Council meeting. Councillor Tom Sharp, Lib Dem Spokesman on the Environment said, "The Conservative administration is placing too much emphasis on incineration as a way of dealing with Surrey's waste."
Conservatives on Surrey County Council have refused to amend the Surrey Structure Plan to delete the proposal to build new housing in the green belt north east of Guildford. Liberal Democrats believe that keeping this proposal in the plan, even as a last resort will set a very dangerous precedent that may result in further threats to Surrey's green belt.