Kennedy launches General Election pre-manifesto
Liberal Democrat Leader Charles Kennedy today launched the Liberal Democrat Pre-manifesto - the first important stage in the manifesto process, which will take the Party into the General Election.
Liberal Democrat Leader Charles Kennedy today launched the Liberal Democrat Pre-manifesto - the first important stage in the manifesto process, which will take the Party into the General Election.
Under new Liberal Democrat proposals police chiefs would sign contracts with local communities setting out how many officers they would deploy. The "minimum policing guarantees" would set funding levels for local police for a rolling three-year period. The guarantees are part of the party's new plans to tackle crime. The plans include using money earmarked for the government's ID card plan to hire an extra 10,000 front line police and 20,000 community support officers.
Liberal Democrats are calling for home to school transport improvements in Surrey at a meeting of the County Council today.
Liberal Democrat County Councillor Will Forster (Woking South) is calling for a ban stopping any culling of badgers on Surrey County Council land.
Questioning of the Conservative run Cabinet of Surrey County Council by Hazel Watson, the Leader of the Liberal Democrat opposition on Surrey County Council, has successfully forced the Conservative Leader to spill the beans about deals struck behind closed doors and payments made for cycling events in Surrey.
Following revelations that the Conservative run cabinet of Surrey County Council made decisions in private about the Prudential RideLondon Surrey Classic (formerly Marathon on Wheels) and the Tour of Britain cycle events, Councillor Hazel Watson, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Opposition on Surrey County Council, is calling for this information to be made public.
Following questioning, Cllr Hazel Watson, Leader of the Liberal Democrats on Surrey County Council and County Councillor for the Dorking Hills Division has uncovered that the Conservative run Cabinet of Surrey County Council 's only formal decision taken by them to allow the event (formerly the Marathon on Wheels) to take place in Surrey was taken in December 2011 in private.
Surrey County Council Liberal Democrats have welcomed a new law giving councils greater powers to combat the blight of scrap metal thefts on communities across the country.